- Cheap Mats with low quality backing and edging curl quickly.
- Incorrectly placed/sized entry mats creep up walls and into uneven ground.
- Entry matting with incorrectly or cheap installed edging.
How to use gravity to combat curled edges on your mat?

Unroll the mat, as flat as you can get it. Then, flip it over and reroll the mat with the fibre outwards. Creating this opposing new curl shape will in effect straighten the curled mat. Keep it rolled up (longer for thicker/less for thinner mats) and check it every so often until the previously upturned (curled) corners are laying flat as desired.
Use mats with Natural rubber edging!

Entry Mats with genuine rubber edging that are part of the molded product help prevent edge curl. PVC Backed and edged products curl more often then rubber backed and edged mats due to the poor memory of PVC. Products like our Entrano Classic Mat and Entrano Rollstock mat are available with a non-curling edge.
The team at Allway have the perfect solution for you. Please contact us on 1300 255 929 to discuss your requirements today.